CETTA – Kamu mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan cerita rakyat? Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, ataupun Legenda Danau Toba pasti sering kamu dengar ketika masih kecil dulu. Tapi pernahkah kamu membaca atau mendengar cerita rakyat dalam bahasa Inggris?
Nah jika belum atau saat ini kamu sedang membutuhkan beberapa contohnya. Pada artikel ini kami sudah menyiapkan 5 contoh cerita rakyat singkat dalam bahasa Inggris yang tentunya akan membuat kamu kembali bernostalgia.
Kira-kira, cerita rakyat apa aja nih yang akan kami bagikan di artikel ini? Biar tidak penasaran, yuk langsung basa aja sampai selesai ya!
Daftar isi
Toggle1. Cerita Sangkuriang dalam Bahasa Inggris
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Dayang Sumbi, daughter of the king of Sumbing Perbangkara. Many princes desired her hand in marriage because of her beauty. Dayang Sumbi, known for her weaving skills, made a peculiar oath when her loom fell: she would marry any man who returned it and make any woman who returned it her sister. Surprisingly, a male dog named Si Tumang retrieved the loom, and Dayang Sumbi fulfilled her oath by marrying him. They had a son named Sangkuriang.
As time passed, Sangkuriang grew into a handsome young man. One day, he learned that his mother desired a deer’s liver. Disappointed by his unsuccessful hunting, Sangkuriang decided to kill Tumang and present his heart to his mother. Upon discovering this, Dayang Sumbi was filled with rage and banished Sangkuriang from their home.
Years later, Sangkuriang, now a mature man, encountered Dayang Sumbi without recognizing her as his mother. They fell in love and planned to marry. However, upon learning the truth, Dayang Sumbi imposed an impossible condition: Sangkuriang must build a large boat overnight. With the aid of spirits, Sangkuriang nearly completed the task before dawn. But Dayang Sumbi deceived him by simulating daylight with pounding mortars. The spirits vanished, causing Sangkuriang to fail. Enraged, he kicked the boat, resulting in the formation of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
2. Cerita Danau Toba Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris
In ancient times, a man named Toba went fishing and caught a remarkable fish. To his astonishment, the fish could speak and transformed into a beautiful young woman. Toba brought her home and married her under the condition that her true identity remain a secret. They had a son named Samosir.
One day, Samosir was given the task of delivering food to his father. However, his hunger overcame him, and he ate the food intended for Toba. Filled with anger, Toba unintentionally revealed that Samosir’s mother was once a fish. Samosir rushed home to inform his mother, but to their dismay, Toba and his wife vanished, and the land where they lived turned into a lake, forever marking the consequences of their secret being exposed.
3. Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris Malin Kundang
In a humble village along Sumatera’s north coast, a poor woman and her son, Malin Kundang, struggled to make ends meet. With the passing of his father, Malin grew into a skilled young boy who tirelessly assisted his mother in their daily endeavors. However, Malin harbored dreams of venturing overseas, promising to return one day.
After many years abroad, Malin Kundang finally made his way back to his village, adorned in splendid attire and arriving on one of his magnificent ships. The sight of such opulence drew the attention of the villagers, who flocked to the harbor to witness his grand return. Among the crowd, a villager recognized Malin from a childhood scar and hurriedly informed his long-suffering mother, who rushed to the shore and joyfully embraced her son.
Yet, to her dismay, Malin Kundang denied the elderly woman as his mother, disbelieving that he could be related to someone so poor and aged. His disbelief only deepened when his wife questioned why he had concealed the existence of his destitute mother. Heartbroken, his mother, in one version of the story, prayed for her son’s punishment, while in another version, Malin callously had his crew remove her from the scene.
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